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And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. |
The Bible is God’s word pictures. He “paints” the future by describing the past and present.
He painted the word of the kingdom in Genesis 1 and 2. All scripture follows this picture, or type, to its logical conclusion.
Virtually everything in the New Testament is typified in the Old Testament. So there are literally hundreds of “word pictures” in the Old Testament that point to our knowledge of the future, which is all part of the Word of the Kingdom.
#1 type in the Bible is the Genesis restoration of the earth. God took six days to restore a ruined creation and then rested on the seventh day.
Now, remember “here a little, there a little”? Check this out:
II Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,
that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years,
and a thousand years as one day.
So the six day restoration, one day rest, seven day system in Genesis 1 typifies God’s plan to restore ruined man over a 7,000 year period. Six days (6,000 years) to restore man, then one day (1,000 year millennium) to rest.
Then Christ and his bride will rule and reign over a sinless, ever-increasing population that will extend into the heavens (as originally intended for and typified by Adam and Eve).
Enoch was taken alive by God (Genesis 5:24) prior to God's judgment on the earth by Noah's flood.
We which are alive and remain will be taken by Jesus at the rapture (I Thessalonians 4:13-18) prior to God's judgment on the earth by the return of Jesus Christ.
The burning bush in Exodus 3 did not burn up.
The Jews will suffer but not be extinguished as a people.
God told the Israelites that the death angel would kill their firstborn unless the blood of the lamb was applied to their front door frame (Exodus 12).
God will destroy all those who have refused to apply the blood of the Lamb to their own soul.
Pharaoh and his army drowned in the Red Sea chasing the Israelites.
Antichrist and his army shall be destroyed after chasing the Israelites through the tribulation period.
Moses nailed a brass serpent to a pole so the Israelites could be saved from the live serpents by just looking at the one on the pole (Numbers 21).
You can be saved by looking to the sacrificed one (on a cross at Calvary) for the free gift of salvation (John 3:14-15).
Daniel, a Jewish prophet, was not killed in the lions den of Daniel 6.
The Jews shall not be wiped out in the coming tribulation period.
There were two criminals on crosses next to Christ. One accepted him, the other rejected him. They could only believe or not believe. There was no opportunity for good works or baptism.
You can accept and be saved or you can reject and be lost. It’s one or the other, no middle ground.
Good works and baptism have nothing to do with believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who tells you different is a deceiver.
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God:
not of works, lest any man should boast.
Jesus was transfigured (Matthew 17, Mark 9) into a glorious body on a high mountain along with Moses and Elijah in glorified bodies. John, Peter, and James in natural bodies were looking on from below.
Moses typifies a dead saint to be resurrected to reign with Christ. Elijah typifies a living saint to be raptured to reign with Christ. The apostles typify that the Jews will rule the earth in natural bodies.
There are hundreds of types; just assume that most of what you read in the Old Testament is a type of some future event and you will be smokin’ off the starting line.
Please let us know of a Bible event that is a type of another Bible truth.
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