Erastus abode at Corinth:
but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.
Paul wrote this verse of inspired scripture at the end of his ministry. Note that the gospel was taken from the Jew and given to the Gentile (Acts 28:28) and the signs for the Jew, including healing, are therefore leaving. Paul is no longer able to heal, and neither is anyone else since then.
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All human “healers” since Paul are fakes/flakes. |
Benny (you already know his last name) Hinn does quite well, but he needs a new valet. Why would he dress like Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi? He really needs to find a children’s hospital in the yellow pages. On his website’s What We Believe section, it states “Deliverance from sickness is provided for in the atonement and is the privilege of all believers (Isaiah 53:4-5; Matthew 8:16-17).” There are also many opportunities to send him money.
He only missed the truth by 2,000 years. A doctrinal falsehood is usually a Bible truth misplaced (wrongly dividing the word of truth). Benny, go to the hospital with an objective film crew!
Listen, television is a business. You produce a show which you think will get viewership and charge a certain price for vendors to advertise their products. Or you pay for the broadcast time and then sell a product during the broadcast (like the shopping networks). Or both.
This is done as a business, for profit. Produce a good show and sell lots of advertising and make money, especially if you can get your audience to donate additional monies. Produce a lousy show, get few viewers, sell no advertising, lose money, and go out of business.
Why do these TV preaching shows hardly ever go out of business? I’ll tell you why; they have positive cash flow. They are telling people what they want to hear (good words and fair speeches). The ignorant sheep that never study their Bible or listen to a preacher of truth lap it up, from the comfort of their own living room.
Why people continue believing this trash and giving is a mystery to me. They must feel like they are vested to the point that they can’t get out now. Something good is going to happen sooner or later.
Actually, it’s very similar to a gambling addiction. It won’t happen; the river card is a dud. Attend any Gamblers Anonymous meeting and see for yourself!
II Peter 2:3
And through covetousness (desire for wealth) shall they with feigned (disguised) words make merchandise of you (they will get your money): whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
I don’t care if any business person makes a fortune and lives like a king. More power to them. What they do with their money is of no concern to me. I am only concerned about what I get for my money. I am sure I have made many purchases from Rolls Royce, yacht, and jet owners.
If a TV preacher is not violating any laws, he/she can offer anything they want, charge whatever they want, and reap whatever they want, just like any other merchant. A viewer or subscriber gets what they get and can decide at any time to get off the train.
Until TV preachers are shut down by the Feds or the IRS or lack of sheep, they can do whatever and promise whatever they want to. The power to reel them in is in the hands of the check writers. Don’t write checks and they will soon perish. Write checks and you get what you get.
My problem with virtually all TV preachers is that they do not preach the truth, the same problem with many church preachers. Since it is supposedly all subject to “interpretation”, you are personally responsible for your own decision to participate.
There is, every now and then, a preacher on television that is truthful. You can spot him every time. He’s not selling anything or begging for money or promising you something that he cannot deliver. His King James Bible is open and he is reading from it. He doesn’t have a weird $100 haircut and he is wearing normal clothes. There may be another one like him in a small, independent, Bible-believing church in your town. Find him.
For the most part, though, the vast, vast majority of TV preachers are wolves of the worst kind. They are very charismatic and they are great public speakers and they know it. So they leverage their charisma and abilities beyond the local church concept and try to create wealth that they believe is representative of their “calling”.
They proclaim the gospel of Christ, which is about all “living room Christians” could possibly understand. What they proclaim after that only matters to those who believe the same. The ones that don’t know anything else just concentrate on the gospel message as a stepping stone to the “prosperity gospel” and “miracle healings”, both of which are lies out of the pit of hell.
The wolves tell you how to get rich or how to get healed or how to $ow $eed$ of faith, and/or anything else they need to come up with to fill up their air time with profit, especially selling books and seeking donations for supposedly worthy projects. But they are not telling you Bible truths because they don’t know Bible truths.
Personally, I don’t care if you watch them and pay them, but God does. He expects you to know enough to be a good steward of your resources and that does not include doing things like sending $100 to someone to plant a tree in Israel in your name to show your support of Jews.
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Get real! Baby trees do not cost more than $10, so this is quite profitable. |
That is why you see it on TV. It is profitable and thus creates positive cash flow for the person speaking to you through the tube.
If you want to help a Jew, find one and help him, cutting out the middleman. Truth is though, he is probably in better position to help you than you are to help him. He’s probably in the yellow pages under Doctor or Lawyer or CPA or Architect. He’s often the guy you want operating on you or representing you or planning and preparing your taxes. And you know what? My experience is that he offers very high value for a reasonable price.
Luke 18:22-24
22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.
23 And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich.
24 And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!
there is Paula White, star TV preacher.
She has an incredible website with many good words and fair speeches and
she is probably coming to a town near you very soon.
This is what she believes about the kingdom of God – “We believe in the sovereign rule, reign and authority of God in the life of believers. We believe that the Kingdom of God is within us and is manifested on earth as we faithfully obey Christ and His teachings.”
That is A-millennial teaching at its finest and I am pretty sure she has no idea what the kingdom of heaven is. She is obviously concerned with the pre$ent life and also has several ways for you to give her money, including the purchase of books that proclaim, “Your destiny as a believer includes the promise of unlimited blessing, miracle debt cancellations and $upernatural financial increase.”
unlimited? miracle? supernatural?
all for sale? how much?
Who wouldn’t invest all they had in that destiny? If it is true, give her everything. It worked for her personally. Why would you hold back anything from that kind of truth? Just have your paycheck direct deposited into her account!
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Go all in! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! |
Or you can partner with Creflo and Taffi Dollar: As stated in their website, “By no means is partnership just an avenue by which to raise finances. Instead, it is a mutual exchange of faithfulness. Creflo and Taffi faithfully and actively pray daily on behalf of Partners. They declare the blessing—the empowerment to prosper and excel—on their Partners. Partners of this ministry have a right to connect to the anointing that is on this ministry so that they, too, can prosper spiritually, socially, mentally, physically, emotionally and financially.”
Also, “What Is In It for You? As a Partner, you receive a monthly partner letter written by Creflo Dollar. Our commitment is to pray with you concerning your needs, provide you with an official partnership kit and offer you occasional discounts and special promotions on products.”
OK, so my partnership (donation not required but appreciated) will land me a newsletter, a prayer, a kit, and an offer to buy stuff at a discount, occasionally. Plus the declaration of the blessing (the empowerment to prosper and excel through the Dollar Store products). Wow!
And it is so easy to sign up and donate. Right at the top of their website are two highlighted items - Sign Up For Partnership & Give a Donation.
They believe in the “authority of Jesus' name, in the indwelling of, and baptism of, the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and in divine healing—the restoration of health to those who believe and act on the truths written in God's Word. We further believe that Jesus is our Healer and that by His stripes we are already healed.”
But my back already hurts despite the good words and fair speeches and prescription drugs! I must admit, though, my faith in the anointment of the Dollars is lacking. I am going to keep my dollars and ask God to show me how to bypass Creflo & Tammy and still please Him.
Or you can make a point of contact with Richard Roberts (son of Oral). You can send a prayer request from a link at the top of his website called “I need Prayer” and bingo, he has your contact information if you want to be prayed for. You can also give $$$ right away from the link next to it called “I’d Like to Give”.
You can get saved by following his stated salvation plan, but after that you are in for quite a ride with “baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.”
Then there will be “signs and wonders and divers miracles confirming the preaching of the Word as a sign to the unbeliever”. (Never mind I Corinthians 1:22 and the fact that there were Jews only in Acts 2).
And you can know that “the Christian life is an unending experience of miracles that we are to expect every day”. (I am not sure I have had one today!)
You can even request a free prayer cloth as your point of contact to “set the time and place for your miracle to begin”. Does it just begin or does it require an investment to reach completion? I’ll take 100 and have a super blessed day of new beginnings tomorrow! How about 33 by FedEx, 33 by UPS, 33 by USPS, and 1 by ESP? Maybe Oral Jr. will discern my miracle and mention it on TV while I am watching. How exciting!
These examples represent virtually all TV preachers; so beware of the tube, my friend. They piggyback the gospel of Christ with blasphemies of abomination, and they will pay the price one day. Supposedly miracle healings, miracle finances, and miracle languages are just fair words and good speeches and lies to serve their own belly. From such withdraw thyself!
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In one hour of Bible study, |
you can read as much Bible as these rabid wolves will read in one hundred hours of TV religion and it won’t cost you a dime. And you will learn something true about yourself and your God because you will be substituting “pure words” (Psalm 12:6) for “vain jangling” (I Timothy 1:6), “doctrines of devils” (I Timothy 4:1), and “fables” (II Timothy 4:4) which are aimed at your itching ears (II Timothy 4:3) and your pocketbook. See, God knew them then and God knows them now.
Psalm 12:6
The words of the Lord are pure words: .....
I Timothy 1:6
from which some having swerved have turned aside unto
vain jangling;
I Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly,
that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith,
giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
II Timothy 4:4
and they shall turn away their ears from the truth,
and shall be turned unto fables.
II Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
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